Latest weblog entries
- Website usability: optimise the experience - don't ask users again for data you've already got
- Clicking an online advertising banner for Nike ID recently, I noted something interesting: Nike already knew where I was and my language preference (supplied by either Google AdWords page context or Geolocation), yet they required me to take the time to give them the same information again in order to progress to their site. [...] Read more...
- What people believe in depends on where they're born
- science evolves and scientists of the (whole) world generally update their knowledge while religion is highly regional and individuals' beliefs depending mostly on where they were born: [...] Read more...
- What is a NUF? - Norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak
- Sponsored link: NUF
- links for 2008-08-06 []
- Charlie Brooker on Dawkins' Darwin TV show Since Darwin's death, Dawkins points out, the evidence confirming his discovery has piled up and up and up, [...]. And yet heroically,... Read more...
- links for 2008-08-04 []
- WordPress › Monotone theme Clever photoblog theme that changes colours based on the photo displayed. (tags: wordpress photo blogs) Photo blog, wordpress themefrom WP Glamour Pretty good looking WP... Read more...
- links for 2008-06-18
- Why You Should Download Firefox 3 Right Now Webmonkey summarizes the benefits of new Firefox 3 (tags: web firefox) Help Firefox Set a World Record Mozilla aims for new... Read more...
- links for 2008-06-04
- The day the music died [dive into mark] Why Microsoft's "PlaysForSure" is about to stop playing (tags: music, DRM)... Read more...
- links for 2008-04-09
- Sam Harris: What Barack Obama Could Not (and Should Not) Say Very interesting and to the point about religion in the US today (tags: religion politics atheism) Christopher Hitchens... Read more...
- links for 2008-04-01
- Reports of voting irregularities in Norway over OOXML standard approval (tags: microsoft standards technology openoffice Norway ooxml) OOXML approved as international standard? The Register reports on the debate following... Read more...
- links for 2008-03-19
- Phatch a good-looking multiplatform batch photo editor (Windows, Linux and Mac) (tags: linux opensource photo software)... Read more...
- links for 2008-03-05
- Useful list of Wordpress plugins (tags: wordpress blogs)... Read more...
- links for 2008-02-29
- It’s Pronounced Dow Aaron Toponce aka John Dough beats "the system" (tags: hack privacy) Unintentionally funny product names (tags: fun funny)... Read more...
- links for 2008-02-26
- Can an enterprise be completely supported by open source? (tags: opensource technology ubuntu openoffice)... Read more...
- links for 2008-02-22
- Shamed 'alternative medicine' quack silences web critic | The Register Quackometer, run by Oxfordshire IT worker Andy Lewis, was shuttered by ISP Netcetera on Monday following threats to sue... Read more...
- links for 2008-02-21
- Open source software free, open source solutions to most of your "I want to..."s (tags: opensource software windows linux) Baby Bible Bashers davblog points out a show I must... Read more...
- links for 2008-02-15
- Apparently people are still being convicted for 'witchcraft' in 2008! Rather shocking and tragic story from Saudi Arabia. (tags: religion science) Human rights group pleads for condemned Saudi 'witch'... Read more...
- links for 2008-02-05
- French police switches from Win XP to Ubuntu Interesting and forward-looking (tags: ubuntu windows) Presentation Load VERY pretty MS Powerpoint templates for sale. I wonder if they're compatible with... Read more...
- links for 2007-10-24
- Amersham Arms Recently opened music venue / pub / restaurant in front of New Cross station (tags: London se14 music) TimeOut: Amersham Arms Relaunch Weekender The Deptford Triangle is... Read more...
- links for 2007-09-07
- The latest from American and Jihadi Intelligence UK Comedian Pat Condell presents... (tags: atheism religion humour) Pat Condell UK comedian insults most major world religions faster than one can... Read more...
- links for 2007-09-06
- Goats sacrificed to fix Nepal jet - BBC News When the airline engineers start slaughtering goats instead of fixing the planes, I want to get off the plane... (tags:... Read more...
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- RFID playing cards - an interview with Matt Trossen
- A mini interview with Matt Trossen, the CEO of Trossen Robotics who recently introduced a pack of RFID enabled playing cards on the market: [...] Read more...
- Latest hype: tag your every limb??!
- This rather bizarre press release appeared in our mailbox this morning - reproduced here in full for the readers to judge whether it's a huge joke or thoroughly misunderstood 'helpfulness' (pay particular attention to the quotes toward the end: tagging your every extremity for 'peace of mind' for your closest family if you're blown up??) Read more...
- New York Times Review Privacy Concerns over Contactless Cards
- The New York Times investigates privacy concerns about contactless cards. New York Time: Privacy and Contactless... Read more...
- Contactless Credit Cards
- Your Credit Advisor reports that by the end of this year, the credit card industry projects that about 50 million credit and debit cards will be coded with RFID chips, allowing users much greater flexability. Check it out, they have... Read more...
- Investigating the UK "Biometric" Passport with ISO 14443 contactless chip
- Spy Blog: Adam Laurie has published his first go at reading the new ISO 14443B contactless chip in a new style UK "Biometric" Passport (no fingerprints or iris scans are stored in the "Biometric" Passports , yet, only a digitised... Read more...
- RFID Credit Card Report
- Jimmy Atkinson of Find Credit Cards has written a six-page research paper on RFID payment systems: Contact less Credit Cards Consumer Report 2006. The report describes the RFID technology behind the new systems being rolled out by American Express, Visa,... Read more...
- RFID Virus dismissed
- From BoingBoing: Ben Giddings of ThingMagic, who is only speaking as an 'annoyed engineer' not a ThingMagic representative, says this is all a bunch of hooey: [...] Read more...
- RFID virus created
- An infected radio frequency identity (RFID) tag is able to disrupt the database that reads information on the chip. Read more...
- An Internet of Food
- An ambitious pilot on adding value to simple groceries is taking place in Denmark. Funded by the Danish Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation the project is expected to demonstrate that RFID technology can enable new and valuable forms of communication between producers and consumers. Read more...
- Night deposit boxes smarten up
- Automating manual processes such as cash handling and money deposit is the future of the banking sector. A new smart night deposit box developed by the Danish company RFID-Solutions will increase security for bank customers and efficiency for the banks... Read more...
- PAC-LAN - RFID-powered mobile gaming
- PAC-LAN is a novel version of the video game PAC-MAN in which human players play the game on a maze based on Alexandra Park at Lancaster University campus. Read more...
- RFID goes mobile
- digidenki, the blog about "some of the latest trends in japan", has interesting numbers about the adoption of mobile phones with embedded RFID chips: The contact less IC chip which can be used for online payments, e-ticketing, identification and also... Read more...
- Sweden considering RFID in their banknotes
- Several types of tags are under consideration: a passive id-tag for tracking stolen banknotes would form a first step; later they are considering tags that are de-activated during transport and storage and only activated once the banknotes are paid out from a cashpoint. Read more...
- Nokia 3220 NFC shell
- A first review of the new Nokia 3220 with NFC (RFID) reader/writer Read more...
- AttentionTech: RFID Unplugged
- Steve Gillmor, Mike Vizard and Jim Clark, chief RFID architect for Sun Microsystems, discuss the future of RFID: "RFID, or radio frequency identification, is the darling of corporate America because it promises the ability to track all things anywhere. Even... Read more...
- Artist's Political Protest Confronts Free Trade and RFID
- Canadian Artist, Nancy Nisbet, plans to emark upon a unique 6-month trek across North America, to raise awareness about issues that surround globalization, free-trade, and RFID. Quoting from her website: "•Nisbet's personal belongings freely traded through Canada, the United States... Read more...
- Time to dig out those Faraday cage jeans
- Norway's already doing it, and starting next year, so will the US: the debut of the issuing of biometric passports is definitely here [...] Read more...
- Geeks take on RFID
- To-be dorkbot*-presenter Mikey Sklar, has created Faraday Cage jeans-pockets. Read more...
- Norwegian biometric passports issued
- Despite appeals by the Norwegian Data Inspectorate, a batch of just below 30 000 unencrypted, RFID-enabled passports are being printed thoughout October: [...] Read more...
- RFID at 'UKA' - Norway's biggest culture event
- Norwegian students have developed a prototype system allowing festival-goers to charge up to ~150 Euros on to a 'beer account' and deduct amounts from their account as the evening progresses by waving their RFID wristband to the barman. Read more...
Anders Jacobsen [ photography] |