Website usability: optimise the experience - don't ask users again for data you've already got
What people believe in depends on where they're born
What is a NUF? - Norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak
links for 2008-08-06 []
links for 2008-08-04 []
links for 2008-06-18
links for 2008-06-04
links for 2008-04-09
links for 2008-04-01
links for 2008-03-19
links for 2008-03-05
links for 2008-02-29
links for 2008-02-26
links for 2008-02-22
links for 2008-02-21
links for 2008-02-15
links for 2008-02-05
links for 2007-10-24
links for 2007-09-07
links for 2007-09-06
links for 2007-09-05
links for 2007-08-17
links for 2007-08-15
Visual journeyplanner for London
Quotable quote on religion
Growing the open source footprint organically
How to get special characters easily in Ubuntu
London 2011+1 releases their logo and branding programme
This week's recommended female singer-songwriters
Using ipod without itunes
How to get Skype 1.4 on Ubuntu linux
Dell PCs go on sale with Ubuntu Linux pre-installed
Raising money for Cancer research UK
links for 2007-03-23
links for 2007-03-20
links for 2007-03-14
links for 2007-03-10
links for 2007-03-09
Today, Anders is listening to
links for 2007-03-08
HDMI and error correction (do your cables make a difference? v2)
links for 2007-02-28
A couple of good reads
What's the difference between different HDMI cables?
links for 2007-02-27
links for 2007-02-25
links for 2007-02-24
links for 2007-02-23
links for 2007-02-22
links for 2007-02-20
links for 2007-02-18
links for 2007-02-17
How to set up a HP multi-function printer in Ubuntu
Le Cool London has been launched
Migration from Photoshop to GIMP
Happy Darwin Day!
Which noises can noise cancelling headphones filter out?
What's the difference between the left and right on a headphone?
Earbuds for sport
Happy new year!
Xmas specials
Grey market Coke in London
Linux compatible printers
Ubuntu home server setup
The Hiatus
I'm giving away an Actiontec Internet Phone Wizard
Happy Easter!
Ask the Jews
Spencer Tunick
Multiregion hack for Philips PET710
Test your senses
Microsoft's Digital Pen technology
Skylook 1.5 review
iPod without iTunes
Noise cancelling earplugs and hearing loss prevention
Anglican archibishop says: 'I think creationism is ... a kind of category mistake'
Hotel Auditorium, Madrid - Europe's largest hotel
Madrid impressions
Ice-cool sink
Hacker opens Skype's Intel DualCore-lock
Yet another VoIP* clone (with free calls to 40 countries)
Sennheiser PC 165 headphones review
More on the cartoon debacle
Do you want FREE photo prints from Photobox?
Creationism coming closer to home
Do It Yourself Lightbox & Ring light your DIY photo studio
Handy WordPress plugins
No comments at the moment
Egyptian blogger finds proof the whole cartoon discussion may be politically fuelled
Laïcité in Norway?
Freedom of speech
JyllandsPosten's Muhammed cartoons
'Intelligent Design' - now also at NASA(!)
Why a little infidelity is a good thing!
SkypeWeb Beta official announcement
SkypeWeb beta
Cell-phone records for sale
VoipStunt's 'SkypeIn' equivalent free and Caller ID enabled
How to use the Playstation EyeToy on Windows
VoipStunt - initial test report
Wifi phones are getting interesting
How to set up the Linksys WAG54G as a wi-fi router only
What is the ISO 13406-2 standard for LCD screen pixel faults?
Sharing photos with Skype industrial photo calendar available
WRT54G wifi router bookmarks
Cheap-o Google PCs / 'GoogleCubes' soon to be released?
VoipStunt - more FREE calls!
Happy New Year!
'Norwegian Voices' - or how to spoil a great opportunity
Phidgets - cool idea to make your home smarter!
Want to see the latest episodes of 'LOST' as they are aired in the US?
Skype Video - a bet
Freeware FTP server
Free Google Wifi @ Heathrow Airport, London
What is Skypito?
Everyone wants to video chat
Post number 1001
SkypeIn expands to Germany
Readable and informative London shopping street maps
Fresh gossip about Skype Video
How can I record a Skype call to mp3?
Cow-powered trains in Sweden
Hooking the HomeChoice modem/device up with a wifi router
Broadband 'triple play' in UK: Dégroupage total - how we need ye!
Where can I find 'site anti-filter'?
How can I donate to earthquake disaster victims?
British Airways dodgy arithmetics
Handy collections of freephone numbers
Skype for small and medium sized businesses - SkypeGroups
Carrier-grade Skype-filter
World Summit on Free Information Infrastructures, London
Skype in releases new beta - improves sound quality, but no video yet
WifiDog - share, but not all
Speaking too quickly: how about FREE calls?
Worldwide toll-free numbers now free on Skype
Skype growing up
Police reaching out for witnesses for London bombings
One guy caught?
Blog reports of new blasts, no first hand accounts yet
New London blasts - where to get more information
'Code Amber' - full evacuation
Hackney Road bus blast
New London blasts hitting the mainstream websites
New London Incidents updates
Here we go again: 'incidents' at Warren Street, Oval and Sheperds Bush
The death of eBay
Add 'ICE' to your mobile phone
Surviving a Terrorist Attack
Listening in upstairs
Normality recovers
More rumours
London Prepared (government website)
BBC Radio streaming
Brits and resistance
Why Londoners rule
Mobile phone networks during the emergency
The first newspapers are out in the shops
Multicultural London
More information on London blasts
Ambulance convoy (photo)
London bus blast (photo)
UK Blog-o-sphere kicking into action
Official: Minimum 20 dead
Londons airports ok so far
News from the archives: London terror attack 'inevitable'
New bomb: Houndsditch
FTSE plunges (less than 5% so far)
Home secretary speaks / COBRA engaged
Entire London Underground closed
Developing story: Explosions in London
London's 7/7
Farmer's Market UK tour
Google Maps Norway available (almost)
Tonight: Moses, The Famous Last Words etc
Tomorrow: Sambassadeur & more @ Water Rats Theatre, London
Using the iPod on a PC without iTunes
Google SiteMaps for Movable Type - now with correct Last Modified dates
How to play a NTSC DVD in Europe? (and other DVD FAQs)
'I read so I am sexy'
Videoconferencing for Skype!
Tonight: Alys and Aquilina @ The Betsey Trotwood
Tonight in London: Honeymoon Machine
How to migrate from Virgin Broadband (UK)
How annoying are mobile phones in cinemas?
How can I open an email account on gmail?
Søkemotoroptimalisering &
Happy Birthday Norway!
So... you thought Bluetooth was dead? - Nokia releases Sensor
Bring your outboard brain with you
Lifehack snippets
Busy week
Norwegians: please consider this request
Google Maps UK
Elle est belle, la France!
Wysak Petroleum (WYSK)
Sharing a bit?
Apple nicking bloggers' code snippets?
LitraCon revisited
Do you need a passport when flying from England to Scotland?
Classic April Fools' joke: The Spaghetti tree
Home-burned DVDs - region coded?
Testing applications 'for real'
'Extranet' planning/communication tools
Where is the .ac domain name from?
How does RFID work in schools?
What are region 0 DVDs?
Can we see circular rainbows? warning
How safe are scuba dive computers?
More info on Travel Express / Soho vacations
Mass-scale open proxy blocking: MT Blacklist 3?
How does a dive computer work?
Too advanced Captchas?
Fighting back on comment spam: nofollow
Dive computer reviews
14 days, 196 bloggers, US$ 656
Skeptics alert: Astrology and Leadership
London Congestion Charge OCR technology
How to redirect after changing your domain name
Other blogger-driven charity initiatives
Upping the ante
Women and horoscopes
74 bloggers raise a buck each in 48 hours
Great response!
Webloggers: Give to tsunami victims and I'll give too!
Thoughts at the end of 2004
What are the black dots you see every 20 min at the cinema?
An idea for Nice (and Athens) taxis?
Are Christmas trees religious symbols?
Why is there an X in Christmas? (X-mas)
Google Suggestions, version 1
Norwegian expats in London
Francophone websites in London
What is a 'prosumer' camera?
The configuration of the sun, the moon, and Earth lying in a straight line
Something interesting about the United Kingdom
Norwegian Christmas Tree @ Trafalgar Square
Visa/MasterCard scam warning
On eVoting without a paper trail & the new importance of statistics
Which information is contained on a machine readable passport?
The Gift - AM FM
Reading more about the Da Vinci Code
Geniuses fighting terror
Is dihydrogen monoxide a bad thing?
Will American DVDs play in a DVD player in England?
When was 'the Gherkin' built?
SpyBlog discovers interesting inconsistencies in UK Home Office's statements
UK catching up on the smoking ban front
Auto-blocking open proxies' access to Movable Type
Canon EOS 10D/20D JPEG conversion errors?
Names of people on the US dollar bills
Firefox 1.0 is here
How do I find the dpi of a jpeg?
How to allow apostrophes in email addresses?
ISO standard for tracking of sushi using rfid
On daring to be different in Norway
The bulge, the theory, the possible exlanation
Open source e-voting
Firefox 'remember tabs'-feature?
Impacting the vote or pissing everyone off?
Froogle UK - british price comparisons
GMail Filesystem for windows
Political Statements
Price model crash for online and mobile music
Teen user search engines?
Ben's Brother
How did Anorexia get its name?
How was the Johnson space center named?
How do noise cancelling headphones work?
London (Pillow) Fight Club
Big Brother² in Chicago
DPI and digital cameras
Capturing the general public as part of art
U-MYX - mix the music yourself
Computer Games -- Art?
On search engine neutrality
The 'Super Size Me' debate
London Open House 2004
We're now running MT 3.11
KOSS PortaPro
Firefox 1.0 PR
International Phonetic Alphabet
Classic blonde
How to improve your HiFi for $0
No commenting at the moment
If there it's a 'one in a million' chance...
Last minute tickets? is not the answer...
Boots Digital Photo Printing
New lens for the Canon 300D
Google Gmail as a linux file system
10 Rules for a Consultant to Live By
The French Laïcité is being held hostage
The Village
Get it from the Source: Quentin Tarantino is blogging
Men & Women
Gmail invites are back
Size matters
Nigeria blogspam
Robust memory cards
Phantom Phone Vibrations
iPod but no iTunes? Yes!
Rotterdam = Amsterdam?
The Human Locator
Corporate Cannibals
Broadening the mind, learning something new
I, Robot and American Double Standards
Second generation social networks
What is ''open''?
xlogs - executive blogs
Linksys WAG54GUK Wireless ADSL Modem Experiences
Getting a lot for the price of a little
Thumbs up!
Difference in data quality burned on DVDs versus CDs
Cruelly good friend
Architecting an ID card
Lose your picture phone before flying to Saudi-Arabia
More ADSL/WiFi/Router combo boxes
Thinking ahead
Scientific use of my photos
Thunderstorm jokes
ADSL modem, router and wifi?
Thomas Scott in the news
Morcheeba, Badly Drawn Boy++ in London next week
The subtle differences
Racism... or not?
Commenting back online
US Internet businesses hitting that international market...
Hotel Despo
Hanging on to all five balls
Dive centers in Athens, Greece
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
Athens 2004 info kiosks usability
Soho vacation - inside story
Time off
Free beer user testing
Personal KM
Free {MP3,FLAC,AAC,...} ripping software
Consumers versus DRM
Toshiba 17WLT46
LCD TV reviews
Commenting back online
Visual enhancement to live classical music
Bergen Loves Linux
Gmail invites
Debunking the debunkers
Scientific imagery
Make Your Cöck A Weapon
David Aaronovitch: ''Religion and education don't mix''
UK Net censorship
Wonky commenting
Where is Placebo from?
Funny place names in UK
SAP i18n
Mercury and the environment
.la domain names (and .tv, .fm and others...)
Open Source Intelligence
Stuff not to miss this weekend in London
Business Plan Template
ATMs as WiFi hotspots
Virgin Broadband ordered
Google related searches
Really free clip-art and images
The American Presidential Campaign
Why you should never put your photo on the Internet
Yet another reason to love the W hotels
Latest photo from Iraq
Sigur Rós
Implanting RFID chips in your body
The Tire Swing Cartoon
Sieg Coke?
Gratulerer med dagen, Norge
Hi, you already know my blog
The world's smallest art gallery?
London bloggers galore
More London blogger photos
Hello my name is / Hello my domain is
Wearable computers are happening!
Skype and IP telephony versus traditional carriers
Official Google Blog
European expansion
London blog dinner 12 May 2004
Mosaikk Gruppen's hollow threats
Dictionary Corner- Global Office Gabble
Breaking iTunes copy protection
Something I wonder about
How long can BEA survive against IBM?
Famous computer bugs
Living the digital media lifestyle
On design
Google goes public
Finally a ''digital pen'' that works?
Kill Bill 2 minireview
Sohovacation party on the blog
Kill Bill 2
C! No! D! ?!
What is art?
Google Gmail in BusinessWeek
Google Gmail in the newspaper headlines
Gmail - Google email
More space invaders
Space invaders art
Feminists that can't take a joke
London Art Aggregator
Google Local
Smart: 2 good things for the price of a half
Legit commercial emails gets eaten by spam filters
Aliso Viejo votes on dangers of dihydrogen monoxide
SSH Port-knocking
BBC launches online clips archive
What is basque separatism?
LitraCon - Light-transmitting concrete!
Ah the irony...
Nokia's Lifeblog software
Organization Structures around the world
How the Habeas Haiku is failing
Cheeky cheeky spammers
The burning 20 dollar bills
Novelty in the spam box
PaperClick - is it really new?
The ''Power Creators'' online
Sometimes, when you expect nothing...
BudNet - Anheuser-Busch knows more about you than you think
Norway for sale at eBay
Annotating physical environments with 2D "Barcodes"
The days of clever hacks are not gone
Using QMail for spam-tracking
The Stella Awards
RSA Security unveils RFID ''blocker''
MT request: The BIG, RED button
A wake up call in the morning
Why hacking is good for technology development
Modifying the Movable Type CSS
M&S tests RFID in UK
The two faces of RFID
RFID passes ''The Mom''-test
LAMB Live @ Brixton Academy
BuddyLinks revisited (and removal instructions)
Deutche Boerse's "Competitive Intelligence" system
Weblogs-scanning robot at Deutche Boerse?
SVG - a competitor to Macromedia Flash?
BuddyLinks - a new twist on IM spam
Pittsburgh International Airport gets it!
Email whitelists are starting to work
Bandwidth saving tips for Movable Type sites
''Greylisting'' to kill spam?
More news about Telio's IP Telephony
Sometimes it's faster to walk
Before RIM Investment Management
Orkut usability (or not)
Electricity and phone standards for travellers
Sometimes... feedback
Canon Speedlite 420EX beats Skype in a heartbeat!
Taking a camera to a concert
London Mobile bloggers / camera phone users?
Mistaken Identity
The background research leading up to
First experiences with
Hello Orkut!
The sohovacation business idea
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
Parallell import of CDs to UK stopped
Optimizing Movable Type - Keyword links
A true story about noise cancelling
Comparison of MP3 and AAC
Eating shark carpaccio
Hooking an iPod up to a PC
Google Flight Tracking
New US Immigration measures backfire
iPod, therefore I am
Mobile blogging
Sourze - in Sweden, some people pay a lot to blog...
Some people say...
Weapons of Math Instruction
Blacklisting spammers
RFID and privacy
Happy new year!
Skype gives us Peer to peer VoIP
Free PCs in the UK!
Thank God For Italian Men
A heart-warming Christmas story
Klingon rules for systems development
Amazon inconsistencies
Usability just won my business
Greyed out MS Outlook options?
Search engine = ?
To Anders from Santa
Christmas spam from Yahoo
New Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Internet - a journalist's friend or foe?
The end of photoblogging?
Time off
Spot the irony
RIP Wildfire?
Upgrading a UK mobile phone
The best just got better: Google Deskbar
What's that site where you can ask the Jews?
Kill Bill
Mystic River
Public photography moral dilemma
Norwegian weblog-spammers
AdSense when you have nothing to say
The usage of the word "fuck" is less taboo today
Daylight savings time ends this weekend
Free Internet access & frequent hotel guests
Spam scares people off the Internet
Blonde joke: Postman Pat's last day
Rugby joke: Warm-ups
British Airways launches extra checkin at Heathrow not selling Sildenafil Citrate
UK public photography
Referer spam
Behold! The MMS Killer App is here!
Why I am not buying Lene Marlin's new CD
Admitting defeat
WalMart goes serious with RFID
The Library Hotel, New York
Religion versus the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence
1st place at the Fellowship Baptist Creation Science Fair 2001
BlogLines - a takeaway aggregator
Error 403.9 - would you like a webhost?
Greater London Authority
Goomzee Commerce - eCommerce to the people
St. Paul's Cathedral by Night
Congratulations, Agnar!
Reader feedback is fun!
The Transparent House
Norwegian Contractors, Hinna
Buddy (2003)
The Baptism Fountain, Stavanger Cathedral
Sun setting over Old Nice
The Girl from Veules Les Roses
Cloudy afternoon in Juan les Pins
Catching up
Beach break
An evening at Promenade des Anglais, Nice
A French roundabout by night
Journalist = bad blogger?
Selling the rights to digital photographs?
The White Cat (and a Canon 10D resolution sample)
St Pierre Church, Chartres
So far, in France
Closing time, Smithfield
Summer vacations!
Canon EOS 10D London price comparison
Canon EOS 10D "Prosumer" camera experiences?
Newbie FAQ 101 - How to make a blog
Joke: The Indulgent Husband
Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
Cool CEOs read blogs
French dogs: Good versus Evil!
Texan Jesus
NASA Johnson Space Center
Doing some American field studies...
Machine-readable passports 2.0: Bio-RFID
Improving CRM at Zingo Taxi
Political Joke: Politicians' entrance to Heaven
London, 12 July 2003: Sunny life
Vandalism --> Art ... ?
Happy 14th July, France!
Golf joke: Deserted island
Dakota Indian tribal wisdom on project management
Frequently Travelling Bloggers?
Adding Google AdSense to your blog
Experimenting with Google Adsense & Weblogs
What's more rude?
TV Brick #2
The TVBrick Revolution
Golf joke: The Doctor, the Priest and the Engineer
Any IT Security jobs out there?
Electronic Information Exchange about travellers to US
Not gone
So NTNU was good for something...
Deloitte Consulting releases 'Bullfighter'
US Visa Waiver programme adds requirements
Anders. Itinerant. v0.02
Anders. Itinerant.
Congratulations, Lars!
America. Different.
The Swiss Re Tower
Etymotic ER-6 Isolator Earphones: Tested and Reviewed
Portugese lesson #1
Chicaco - urban jungle
Adding a "Sideblog" in MT
New English words
"26 Things" - Photographic scavenger hunt
ISO 8601: The standard date format
Ice crystal formation in airplane windows
BA349 31May03
Newly Digital: My first Internet connection
7 days, 14800 km flights
Free 'Cog' DVD in UK
Etymotic ER-6 Isolator™ Earphones Ordered
"The NTH Ring"
Farrindon Tube Station, London
Why I will never fly RyanAir (and why you shouldn't either)
Upgrade MT 2.21 -> 2.63 problems
It's soon weekend again
MT Category problem
London nightclub philosophy
Evan Nisselson on Wireless Camera phones in the Photography Industry
Internal (and external) mailing list usability
Tipping in France
José Álvaro Morais: Quaresma
Snapshots: Cannes Film Festival 2003
Happy Birthday, Norway!
The Matrix Reloaded & Reviewed
Beverage parallel imports in EU: The Inside Story
Parallel Coca-Cola Import (2)
Parallel import of Coca-Cola?
Celeb-spotting this weekend
Mini-review: ''Down and out in the Magic Kingdom''
London City, evening of May 12th
VISA Fraud Detection Failure
Jon Udell on SpamBayes
Noise cancelling headphones reviews
Massive Attack vs Sony MiniDisc
Friday Funny: Hong Kong MSN Smilies
Viral Marketing:
Redesign in progress
Internationalizing web stores
Yesterday's Tomorrows
Why bloggers write so much about blogging
Friday Funny: Irish Virus
How stupid can you get?
SharpMT - offline blog authoring
Welcome to Collinwood
What is the $ value of PageRank?
May 1st in London: Mayday
Sun gives StarOffice 6.0 to 2 100 000 Swedish pupils
Looking for Case Logic CD bags
The Matrix at IMAX
Experiences so far with my CMT-CP505MD
Star Trek Ethics
''You can make money blogging!''
Blogs in business: watercooler-chat or knowledge management?
Geographical Metadata for websites
Random browsing: Roland Piquepaille
Wow: TypePad
WHO vs Coca-Cola and the Snack Industry (part 2)
Blog name change
The Coca-Cola Conspiracy against WHO for sale
New mini-stereo ordered
"Speed Marketing" = idiots' marketing
Are weblogs the new Fanzines?
KOPPS (2003) vs Super Troopers (2002)
I'm not safe to search...?
Happy Holidays!
In which countries do they drive on the left side of the road?
Concorde retires
The most unforgivable Sin?
Consulting Quote
Ensureing sequence of XML tags
Jonathon Delacour on whale hunting
A day in the life of BBCi search
"Paying" ""shareholders"" back
Playing with "Blogshares"
Terrorists may be in your office!
Time travelling stock traders?
Michael Moore on the fictitious times we live in
The dark side of spam filtering
Microsoft and AOL: Against spam ..... or not?
On copyright and open source
The world at war
Testing the new Nokia 6800
Location-aware mobile services: Zingo Taxis
Secret Subways
Anonymity vs blogging vs ''Knowing'' a blogger
Why I blog
Freedom of T-shirt slogans
How Google uses weblogs to enhance search results today: Google WebQuotes
How Google is making money off Blogger already...
Intelligence in the Information Age
Pop me, baby!
Checking GSM Call forwarding status
Definition of "epoch"
Voicemail usability
Overture buys AllTheWeb
"Symphonie portuaire"
Long-weekend coming up
Handing out weblog addresses on business cards
Nigerian counter-spam operations...
Blogging hits critical mass
Opera goes ''Bork'' on MSN
And then Wearables got interesting
PhoneSync - HotSync your Nokia phonebook!
Tanks at Heathrow?? plays dirty with Opera
IE Keyboard shortcut
Why I love Google (part 219)
Posting routine
Creating an RSS-powered "dashboard"
Flying without ID
Palm software must-haves
I'm surrounded by morons...
Copyright and Creative Commons Explained
Who the f... is Dave Barry?
Spatially aware displays for PDAs
Owner of Norwegian website convicted
Blogs vs Message Boards
More Norwegian weblogs starting up
Annoying: Defective SecureDigital card...
Sex offense excused by inexperience
Norwegian author Eirik Newth starts blogging
Librarians googling for you...
Trackback evolving
New purchase: Palm Tungsten T
Odd audio: The 365 Days Project
RFID and Privacy
New Blog: Love and the City
Congratulations, Nicole and Trygve
Getting a new PDA
I'm on vacations!
Reviews: "e" and "The 'e' before Christmas" by Matt Beaumont
Review: Atonement by Ian McEwan
Santa's Performance Review
Opting out of Santa's List
Google now doing product searches
Man vs Machine in website registration forms
Wearable Computers (Thesis publication)
Simplified usability-testing
Create PDFs for free!
On virtual terrorism versus real-world terrorism
HTTP Status Code Tables
Joke: Norwegian weather
Customer profiling
George's Song
MT 2.6 Feature suggestion: Collaborative spam-blocking
Today is spam-day...
Blog comment-spam
Disenchanted on third world charity
RFID and Silent Commerce go mainstream
Useful pre-flight information
Wardriving reaches Norway
Knowledge un-sharing on the Internet: Reversed extranets
GSM woes 2: SMS network incompatiblities
I need it...
Weblog/KLog-meetup: London 12 Nov 2002
Open digital information exchange in Governments
Hacking the Information Economy 2
Optimizing Movable Type (part 6) - Category XML feeds
Good things about London so far...
Hacking the Information Economy hacked
Hello London
Linkbuilding spam-alert
Google sued by dodgy Search Engine Optimizer
What happens when you dump dry ice into an airplane toilet?
Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics
Spam, hype and SpamAssassin
Game Review: Time Crisis 2 (PlayStation 2)
AllTheWeb vs Google
GIS in developing countries
Review: Mike Gayle: Dinner for two
Wired goes Accessible AND Usable
Big things start small: Open Source in schools
What is "cloaking"?
Republishing Weblog content all over again...
Registering air travellers?
What money buys you at KLM
Defining Geekdom vs Webloggers' beliefs
InforWorld on WiFi and Warchalking
Leaving Holland...
Miracles of Science: The World's funniest joke
Luggage purchases
The 99 cent KM solution
Google's new search algorithm
"Mobile cloak"?
Review: Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash
The future of libraries in "digital times"
How Google can make money with News
Disenchanted proposes "Write-by-wire"
Cigarette break or a quick news-check?
GSM Roaming a la 2002: Why it's just a nuisance
Linkfest: Ad-Hoc Wireless P2P networking
IBM to study social networks
World axes
RSS news for individual stocks
Building what the user wants
PaSaMuF - P2P Document Management
MIT revolutionizes education online
Feature suggestion for MT 2.5 or later: subscribe to followup on comments
Nick Hornby (ed): Speaking With the Angel
Tracking paedophiles' locations electronically...
Weirdest website so far? Funaral homes' calendars...
Most desperate anti-piracy move so far?
Virgin Atlantic forced to refit planes due to mile-high sex...
Haxial takes spammer-hunting to the next level...
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery...
Computer Archaeology: The Smiley
Faiz Chopdat goes to jail for playing tetris on cellphone during flight
Trillian 1.0 / TrillianPro also features RSS newsreader!
Corporate weblogs: are they a Threat or Adding Value?
How Sid Meier drives kids to war...
Usability and patterns for creating searches on a website
Be Afraid, for Big Brother is coming closer
Offline weekend
Call your own spammer!
A Dutchman went to Norway...
Siebel in the news today; 3 times...
We've been HardOCP'ed...
I've "caught" a spammer
Mixed reactions on my "niggardly"-posting
Usability of mailinglist signups
American Political Correctness & the word "Niggardly"
Security: Top 10 tips to spoil a wireless hacker's day
More official newsfeeds
Lessons learnt: K-Logging
Implanting chips to track missing children?
Web Economy Bullshit Generator
Air Marshals or Trigger-happy Rambos?
Time for a new desktop background?
"Wiring" a whole city on wireless
How non-programmers use documentation
Electronic evolution
"Spotlight Site" :-)
Sri Chinmoy cult "spamming"
Movable Type notifications to Instant Messenger?
Optimizing Movable Type (part 5) - Meta tags
eCommerce 101: It's more than a pretty website!
Big Boss is watching...?
Statistical analysis of spam
Where DO they get the quotes from?
Tom Siebel on Webservices in CRM
Usability of registration forms online
ISSN# for Norwegian weblogs denied
Popularizing Classical Music?
To filter or not to filter...
My RSS Subscriptions
The BlogMD Initiative - getting blog metadata right
EasyJet problems coming up?
Quotable quote
Tab-completion in Windows 2000
Vice Funds - investing in immoral stuff
"The Invisible Library"
Corporate weblog policies
Email addresses with a "+" are VALID
Is SpamAssassin helping the spammers too much?
Update on "official" newsfeeds
Open letter of request / suggestion to newspapers to provide RSS feeds
ISSN for weblogs
Fantasy answering machine message
Can Web Services Make CRM Lovable?
Scary but important
Wi-Fi and free lunches
All I want for Christmas is... a space shuttle ;-)
Liberal versus strict XML parsing
Algebra is a key subject even in primary school
The quest for the ideal news aggregator (part 7) - Review & Recommendation: Aggie
Google increasing spidering frequency: Covering more news-sites & weblogs
The quest for the ideal news aggregator (part 6) - AmphetaDesk revisited
Need more planets, urgently...
Review: Resident Evil Survivor 2 (Code: Veronica)
Mixing it up: Publicists approaching bloggers...
Bloggers' professions
Topic for future Sci-Fi books: Grey Goo
UNIX Cheatsheet
The quest for the ideal news aggregator (part 5) - Review: FeedReader
The quest for the ideal news aggregator (part 4) - Review: BlogHog
The quest for the ideal news aggregator (part 3) - Review: NewsIsFree...
Living in the Blog-osphere
The quest for the ideal news aggregator (part 2) - Review:
Sony NetMD upload petition sent with 2000 signatures
How mobile phones change the way we interact
Science of hangovers
Still looking for that ideal news aggregator
Website strategies when changing company name
Proof positive on "Googlejuice" for blogs
Lisa Jewell: Thirty Nothing
ActiveBuddy wins patent despite prior art
10 tips on writing for the living web
A new approach on security
Weird Internet...
New blog: The Amazon blog
Kristen Nygaard died Saturday
Search Engine "power user" resources
Eatonweb cleans up
Eating Whale Steak
Optimizing your Movable Type Installation (part 4) - XML syndication
Two random words... Syzygy & Theremin
Ari Behn: Trist som faen (short stories)
Nick Hornby: How to be Good
I want one of those .com
Women in the Norwegian Military Forces
Effects of Jet Contrails on the climate
Movable Type Survey
Optimizing Movable Type (part 3) - get more readers
Extreme Ironing
Cross-site knowledge management with TrackBack
Beautiful Science: The Analemma
IQ vs Haircolor
Expiring domain names
Optimizing Movable Type (part 2) - More "Googlejuice"
My Movable Type installation
Calendar-archives in Movable Type
Yann Arthus Bertrand
My first proper post in MT
Blogger --> Movable Type
More on pro-anorexia websites
Google Zeitgeist vs Lycos 50
Goldmember (Not the movie ;-)
Rough Science
Norway "greatest place on earth"?
Norwegian woman flying domestic flight carrying guns
Pro-anorexia and pro-bulimia websites
Duct Tape Wall Tapings
"UltraCon incident"
The Arensito keyboard
IBM to Buy "Monday"
Angela's doodles
Etiquette 101
Breaking the DMCA by hacking DVD players
Google News Search
The minimalist web project
Skeptics rejoice: Paranormal beliefs may be linked to brain chemistry
The Non-Expert’s Desk: Girls
Catharina's paintings
Yevgeny Podkletnov / Eugene Podkletnov
Peru may move to open-source software
The etymology of "blog"
My first birdie!
Mobile phone ringtones
Stuck in an elevator
Fat guy sues fast-food firms for inducing obesity
Mini review: Salmon of Doubt
havardot's blog
Blog - HOT or NOT?
Christian hotels
Fredrik Norman
The Obscure Store and Reading Room
Lars Ludvigsen
The medium is the message...
Google paying less interest to weblogs?
The Strap-on Duckmaster
Cellular phones and cancer
Review: Renault Laguna
Initial review: Sony MZ-N1 NetMD
My new MZ-N1 NetMD
Teaching kids about criticizing online sources "Netchecking"
The spam keeps on flowing
Google's Integrity
John Patrick: The Spam Has Got to Go
Lars Ludvigsen's blog spam
Agnar and Solveig's wedding
Only in America...
US Senate candidates turn to email marketing
Blogger socializing & Blogchalking
70 things to say when you're losing a technical argument
"The date my sister project"
Diplomacy 101
New 35 Teraflop Supercomputer released
Holland less liberal?
French Presidential amnesties
Temple Treatments
Acronym tag
QWERTY - meet "k,uyp"
Dictionary of Units of Measurement
Wired: How One Spam Leads to Another
Voodoo economics
The Secrets of Cocaine Inc
Electronic Flight Bag
How does the light gun on a video game work?
Cellular phone radiation
Business 2.0 - "Top of the Heap"
Another plane crash occurred last night...
Intelligence Gathering in Afghanistan
Time Crisis II and Gun
Beach Physics Puzzles
Kevin Mitnick is writing a book
Take Two Candies, Call in the morning
Music - the food of brain cells?
"Kinder" smuggling Why Reality is a gray area in Astronomy
Wired: A New Twist on Light Speed
Worthy cause of the day: Skolelinux
Disenchanted dictionary: Accidental cooperative commerce
Blogspace Under the Microscope
b3ta hijacks "Monday" in UK
ZDNet: Are you ready for angry robots?
Big Brother at the office
Deep-linking 3
With GPS, The World Is Your Canvas
Technology Review: The Programmable Building
Internet’s thinkers sound warning cry
Gummi bears defeat fingerprint sensors
Deep-linking 2: Want to Read This? Ask
'Tooth phone' Cool Science: 'Killer' bees
The Wireless World of the Future
'Thinking' robot in escape bid
Galleri Catharina Gilje
Sun's Full Assault on .NET
Washington Post: Artful Deception
Yahoo: Bush saves the world?!
Propaganda Analysis
New Scientist Q&A: Does beheading hurt?
Scientific American: 15 Answers to Creationist nonsense
BBC: Copyright rows ring down the centuries
BBC: US Army websites expose security data
How Google Searches Itself
MIT's Blogdex
Find the blog!
Coffee Sites
MSNBC: Business pros flock to weblogs
Ananova: Artist sells his soul
Google Zeitgeist Various forms of 'net art
"September hele året"
"Global Mind Control ..."
CNN: 'Star Trek' teleporter nearer reality The World's Most Expensive Hotel Rooms
Wired: IM'ers Get a Secure Chat Room
CNN: E equals MC-wha?
CNN: Amusement parks put science into screams
New 'T-ray' Space Camera Also sees through Clothes and walls
Leaky Cyber Borders
Wired: New Virus Infects Pictures
BBC: Hacker watches Nato spy pictures
Business 2.0: Eight Technologies That will change the world
Deep-linking: To link or not?
NOCPeople / EBone
BBC: Money-men see space for profit
Wired: Microsoft Discloses Software Flaw
Hivelogic JavaScript Email Address Encoder
Calculators vs. PDAs: Who wins?
Some online friends
Scenes From a 'Weird' Tech Fest
Device detects cell phone bugs
'Massive abuse' of privacy feared
IBM puts new spin on nano-storage
Aussie Gets Into Pickle With Spam
Laser powers 'paper plane'
Sydney shuts down for filming of Matrix 2
Slashdot | ADTI Whitepaper Released
Roaring Penguin Software (AdTI on Open Source)
Google "PigeonRank(TM)" Technology
How Bad Can a 'Dirty Bomb' be?
ADTI: Report Flays Open-Source Licenses --
Hackers find way into Norway's past
Digital kommunikasjon og organisatoriske utfordringer
Why Follow-Ons Are a Red Flag
Study: Monkey brains move cursor
"Have Doubly-Charmed Baryons Been Discovered?"
Can a PC think for itself?
First Strike or Asteroid Impact?
Statistical forecasts of the Soccer World Cup
guimp: world's smallest website
"Sony Trademark Takes a Walk, Man"
Version 0.73 of Trillian released
Spamassassin works!!!
I finally installed SpamAssassin
Dead Men Tell No Passwords
Y3K - Norwegian discussion forum
Scientific American's Web Awards
Click-and-play publishing